Medical & cosmetics

Some examples

Why medical & cosmetics?

Some products meet the definitions of both cosmetics and medicines. This may happen when a product has two intended uses. For example, a shampoo is a cosmetic because its intended use is to cleanse the hair. An antidandruff treatment is a drug because its intended use is to treat dandruff. Consequently, an antidandruff shampoo is both cosmetic and medical. Such products must comply with the requirements for both cosmetics and medicines and are often classified as medical devices.

Herbal medicines

Herbal medicinal products are popular for self medication in the treatment of minor medical conditions. The growing public demand for herbal medicinal products and the associated increase in their use is evident.

Medical devices

The “border” between medicinal products and dietary supplements, cosmetic products or medical devices is difficult to determine. But, we do know how to make nutritional based medical devices for easy market access.

Medical food

Medical foods are specially formulated products designed to help manage very specific diseases or conditions, when the distinctive nutritional needs of the patient cannot be met with regular foods alone.

Beauty supplements

Confused about beauty supplements? Many supplements for beauty claim to be the “fountain of youth” . Find out what really works for beautiful hair, skin, nails and your mind.

Cosmetic products

Do we buy cosmetics because they are useful or because they make us feel good? People who use cosmetics buy these products primarily for emotional reasons, according to new research. Some of the main positive emotions given by beauty products include “the sensation of wellbeing gained from eliminating or reducing feelings of worry and guilt, which is the factor with the greatest impact”. Does this mean a final breakthrough for cosmetic nutrition and beauty supplements?

Our services

EFSA compliant line of beauty supplements

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